Running GRAIC -- Model-based

The whole racing system consists of three independent programs, the CARLA simulator, the GRAIC infrastructure, and your controller, which should be started in three terminals. If you are using Docker, you can get a new terminal connecting to the running container by running

docker exec -it graic_con /bin/bash

where graic_con is the name of the running container.

Running the CARLA simulator

If you are using Docker, run the following command in a new terminal

~/workspace/carla-simulator/ -opengl

If you are using AWS, run the following command in a new terminal


If everthing works, you shoule be able to see the CARLA window.

Running the GRAIC infrastructure with model based vehicles

First, you need to switch to the model-based branch.

cd /home/carla/workspace/graic-workspace/src && git checkout feat_model_based

Then, run the following command

. ~/workspace/graic-workspace/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch graic_core graic_single.launch synchronous_mode_wait_for_vehicle_control_command:=False

Running the baseline Controller

This procedure is the same as running model free baseline. However, please note that the baseline controller we offered is only tuned for model-free vehicles, so it might now work so well with model-based vehicles.

Driving with manual control for fun

When the pygame window pops up, press b and then you should be able to drive using wasd.